English & Mathematics


Developing a highly effective Literacy program has been a major priority at Kent Park Primary School as we believe that Literacy is an integral part of a student’s education. Understanding how language works will develop confident and informed students, empowered to analyse, communicate, and develop relationships with others and the world around them. It provides a platform for thinking, communicating, and relating to others in real-life situations.

Literacy comprises of Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening. The classroom teaching program is structured to provide two hours daily of explicit instruction followed by shared examples and opportunities to practise new skills. Our program is differentiated to provide opportunities for all students to achieve, no matter what their learning style or current ability.

At Kent Park Primary School, we aim to provide a rich learning environment in all classes to foster a love of language. The study of literacy provides the opportunity to appreciate, enjoy and use language, and develop a sense of its richness and power to evoke feelings. We aim to encourage the students to recognise that the purpose and audience for writing will influence the structure, features and language applied. Students become skilled in discussing, reading and writing a wide variety of text types with different purposes and structures.


The Mathematics program at Kent Park Primary School is based around explicit teaching, scaffolding, questioning and independent learning. Our teaching philosophy promotes curiosity, questioning and high-level reasoning as integral components of students’ understanding of Maths. We recognise the importance of learners having a positive mindset towards Mathematics and actively foster this love of learning. In the Mathematics’ classroom, we value active, inquisitive minds and encourage critical thinking skills to grow alongside an understanding of mathematical concepts.

Mathematics is taught daily, with a focus on the Victorian Curriculum’s mathematical strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. To support the teaching and learning of these concepts, we explicitly incorporate the four Proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. Arming our students with this wide variety of mathematical perspectives enables them to creatively and confidently solve problems that are essential to everyday life. Concrete materials are used to support learning across the school, promoting a solid foundation of numeracy for all students. Our focus on Number gives our learners the understanding and ability to solve increasingly complex problems and approach challenges with confidence and skill.